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Inspire, educate and entertain your people with a keynote address that sparks personal insight and group connection​

Kinga Balint is a transformative coach and serial-entrepreneur: educator, designer, dancer and photographer. She is a gatherer of insights, wisdom and of people, and passionate about speeding up evolutionary development in individuals and collectives by connecting people to themselves and each other more deeply and authentically.


In our fast paced lives and tech-driven world, where we say more but actually share less of ourselves, deeper and more authentic connections are needed more than ever. In this 20 minute “connection-session”, Kinga will talk about why she believes authenticity and connection are essential to the next step in our evolution, and how knowing ourselves is the basis of authentically connecting with others.


We will then skip the small talk as Kinga facilitates conversations that will spark deep discussions and connections. With 3 simple questions, we will first connect to ourselves, then to others and finally in a game that will connect every individual in the whole room in a purposeful and meaningful way that may just have you walk away with something surprising, real and new added to your life by the end of it! 


And that is the beauty and value of authentic connections - when people come together with intention, amazing things can happen as the whole they form becomes and creates exponentially more than the sum of its parts.


Introducing Kinga

Come out and play!

Connection Session
Kinga's mission in life is to promote evolutionary development by connecting people to themselves and each other authentically

I am here to wake people up to their authentic selves, elicit their purpose and then bring them together in collaborative teams so that they can fulfil it. I do this by having perspective altering conversations that become drivers of development for individuals and groups.


If you would like to find out how we can work together to bring you and your tribe closer to where you want to be, let's have a chat!

About Kinga

I am a gatherer of wisdom, insights and people. 


I have spent the last 23 years studying human nature and creating multiple businesses in the arts, fashion and education. Now I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience in personal and social transformation, and being a catalyst for people to play in the transpersonal. 


I share the wisdom and tools I have gained from my studies and my transpersonal journey to help people awaken to their innate wellbeing, manage themselves and Iive from the deep by following their internal guidance systems.

Get in touch

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We will be in touch with you soon. 

My Other Projects






Past Projects


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