Meet Kinga

When people ask me where I am from, it's always a long story...
I am originally from Transylvania (yes, yes, I know…) but my mother decided she wanted a better life for us than a communist regime and so in 1986 when I was ten, she packed our bags and we became asylum seekers, living in refugee status in Austria for 2 years before finally moving to Australia.
So that's how I ended up living in the ‘land down-under’, where I created several creative businesses over the past 25 years, including photography, dance instruction and fashion design.
An awakening or ‘kensho’ experience 18 years ago sparked my interest in Ken Wilber’s Integral Philosophy along with, psychology, NLP,
conceptual physics, education, anthropology, the world’s wisdom traditions and anything else that I could get my hands on. I am also a trained Advanced Theta Healer.
These days love delivering deep coaching that is beyond mere psychological theory and grounded in insight, paradigm shifts and in the lived experience of the client. It’s about a deepening of their appreciation of themselves and of this amazing life that we get to be a part of. And then going out and creating the life that calls us!
Five years ago I was ready to embark on yet another chapter of my life so bags packed, I moved back to Europe. I am currently location independent and live Vienna in the summer and head south to Tenerife in the winter, working as a transpersonal coach, run ReCreation Retreats, teach English and occasionally still do photography.
When not engaged in deep discourse, I like to dance the Argentine Tango and Lindy-Hop, dabble in watercolour painting and of course continue to collect new distinctions and insights about the nature of life.
Can’t wait to create with you!