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Designed to create and support successful givers who are called to make positive impact in the world 

an integrally informed we-space culture based on openness, trust, support and generosity with the aim of propelling the participants forward and upward exponentially.





Southern African 

  • humanity or fellow feeling; kindness

  • "I am because we are"

  • having humanity towards others

  • the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity

Landscape with Animals

If you want to go fast,

go alone.

If you want to go far,

go together.

~ African Proverb

Why successful givers will change the world

There has been a new operating system (see Spiral Dynamics Integral) emerging in the last 30 years in response to the increasingly complex and interconnected life conditions we find ourselves in, and it is an integral perspective

The challenges we face, the problems created by old approaches can only be solved through the collective wisdom that arises our of a spirit of collaboration in a new integral paradigm. 


And givers are the glue that bonds groups into communities - they can create unity through generosity and cultures of trust and growth through contribution. But they are often under-appreciated for the impact they make, both by others and themselves.  

Don't ever mistake kindness for a weakness.

Did you know that givers tend to be the most as well as the least successful people within companies? According to organisational psychologist, Adam Grant, givers statistically score as the lowest on the success spectrum but it is also the group that scores the highest, when compared to takers and matchers.


So what separates successful givers from the unsuccessful ones? It's the ability to not just offer help, but also to receive it.  We live in a results oriented, 'means to an end' culture where the realisation of future goals and the idea of 'one day when...' take priority over human needs and thriving. But the two need not be mutually exclusive.

MASTERMINDS = We come together to form a whole that is exponentially more generative than the sum of its parts.

Integral Masterminds are opportunities to come together and  intentionally co-create small intimate communities with a culture of opennessauthenticity and support - cultures that are not the current norm but so necessary for the health and wellbeing of individuals and collectives.


We-spaces where ideas and resources are born and are shared, growth, insights and breakthroughs happen, inspiring creativity so that its members experience greater wellbeing, flow states, become more effective navigating in business and in life and thereby make a more significant impact in the world

About Kinga

I am a gatherer of wisdom, insights and people. 


I have spent the last 23 years studying human nature and creating multiple businesses in the arts, fashion and education. Now I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience in personal and social transformation, and being a catalyst for people to play in the transpersonal. 


I share the wisdom and tools I have gained from my studies and my transpersonal journey to help people awaken to their innate wellbeing, manage themselves and Iive from the deep by following their internal guidance systems.

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