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I am a gatherer :  of wisdom

insights and people

I have spent 23 years studying human nature and creating multiple businesses in the arts, fashion and education. 


I am passionate about sharing my insights and experience in personal transformation, living deeply and being a catalyst for people to play in the transpersonal.


create conversations that connect people to their innate wisdom and initiate communities and groups that facilitate collaboration, growth culture and authentic interconnectedness.


Come out and play!


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Work with me

Wake Up

A philosophical and experiential exploration that  awakens you to who you are beyond your identity - to the very ground of your being


Clean Up

Serving as an instruction manual to how you operate, you will gain tools and understanding on how to work your mind instead of it working you. Recreating yourself.

Show Up

Self management and life management from the inside out: you will create relationships, goals and a life that is worthy of you,  listening to your internal guidance system.

Grow Up

This is there it all comes together: being part of a community and having the cultural context as vehicles by which we grow over time, together.



Take a dive into deep coaching with me in a 2 hour conversation that will unblock you, transform your outlook and  uncover what you want to create next in your life


One-to-one Intensives
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Hand Pile of Happy Group

.Access authentic community, group wisdom to support  your ongoing transformation 


Integral Masterminds
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Transformative 7 day coaching  retreats in Tenerife in collaboration with a physiotherapist and trainer, a yoga teacher and a nutritionist to deep cleanse and overhaul and recreate your life 


ReCreation Retretas
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Recreation is a 7 day unique personal transformation retreat, that helps you

jump-start the next phase of your life. Team up with a life coach, a physiotherapist, a nutritionist and a yoga instructor and create the next version of yourself. This is not a usual retreat, be prepared for a complete reboot of your mind, body and soul!

About Kinga

I am a gatherer of wisdom, insights and people. 


I have spent the last 23 years studying human nature and creating multiple businesses in the arts, fashion and education. Now I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience in personal and social transformation, and being a catalyst for people to play in the transpersonal. 


I share the wisdom and tools I have gained from my studies and my transpersonal journey to help people awaken to their innate wellbeing, manage themselves and Iive from the deep by following their internal guidance systems.

Get in touch

Thanks for submitting.

We will be in touch with you soon. 

My Other Projects






Past Projects


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